Saturday, January 31, 2009

Michael the Archangel

Last night was an interesting it always is.

After arriving at Underground David, Sam, Cindy, and I met up with some familiar faces.

We met with a couple of African guys (one was from Cameroon...not sure where there other one was from) who run an African jewelry stand. David and Sam did most of the talking about soccer and Africa (David did his internship in Guinea). We then headed over to see Alfred (also from Africa). David and Sam did most of the talking again. Alfred is in school at Georgia State and he will graduate in December. He told us that he and his wife will celebrate their third anniversary in March.

We then headed over to see Sarah. It was so good to finally see her after being away for so long! She is doing well! Business is still really slow but she has faith it will pick up. She is set to graduate from Agnes Scott in May which is really exciting. Afterward she plans to go home to India to get married to Waqar and then they will return to either the US or Canada. Apparently Canada is easier to get a visa for because the Africans and Sarah all mentioned moving to Canada.

Sarah is having a hard time because her roommate moved out and now she is more lonely. So we could tell that it meant a lot that we didn't forget about her. She laughed pretty much the whole time we were with her. (also 'prophesying' over me that I will get married next year...haha)

After Underground we went to Woodrow Park which is maybe a block or two away. We walked around a bit and then we met Michael the Archangel. He doesn't really believe he's Michael the Archangel...but because his name is Michael he feels a connection to the Archangel...I think. Anyway...we started talking with him and he was quick to inform us that he wasn't on drugs and that is not the reason he is homeless. He is homeless because he is jobless. He was very well versed in Christian theology and the gospel. Michael was an interesting guy. He told us that he was going to ask us for money but that if we said no he would not take offense because he can't control what we do only what he does. When we told him we had no money but that we were going to serve meals a few blocks away (he knew exactly where we where going) he told us that we were still doing the work of God even though we couldn't give him money.

Well...Michael then had us all hold hands because he wanted to pray for us. That was a first. We all kept our eyes open...just incase. Well...he prayed and shouted Halelujah! and then allowed us to pray for him (he originally told us he doesn't let anyone pray for him...) and we prayed. Then some random guy came up and tried to join in but looked confused and then left. And some guy in a car yelled at us asking where the civic center was all a little bit chaotic. Anyway...we left Michael with him asking for money so he could get some food and pay for a room to sleep in for the night...we told him to come with us and we could fix him a plate...but he said no thanks. Interesting.

One thing that struck me as interesting was when he was praying he thanked God for the fact that we stayed and listened to him. How many people only desire to be listened to? How it must feel to be walked by and ignored day in and day out?

Well...after meeting Michael we walked down to George's.

There were tons of people there to help serve meals...which was awesome. It was great to see Will and Stevie and George and his family. However, we didn't see Jerry. I was quite disappointed not to see Jerry. Stevie said he saw him Wednesday night at the safe maybe Jerry was able to get a bed last night too. We didn't see Christian or his mom either.

It was an interesting night. It's funny how you can be gone for 6 weeks and nothing change. I'm hoping that we will get to see Jerry again...I really want to learn his story. It'd be cool if we were able to meet up with Michael too.

Atlanta is a crazy city. God love it.

1 comment:

slt said...

Golly I love your heart! Not many people have a heart like that and I am so glad you do! You are awesome...and I like Sarah's prophecy!!! ;)